Saturday 12 May 2018

Saturday 12th May
Exmouth to Axminster (no idea how far)

Dear Brittany Ferries and Sustrans
We love the promo about the family friendly route. However the description is badly flawed and requires reconsideration. Just today for example, we have negotiated 3/15% plus hills on single track roads with intermittent passing places shared with Audis BMWs and Porches (big ones). Really not to be recommended for small children or indeed septugenarians riding laden bikes. We were joined by the 2/35 year olds who shared our delight in suicide alley. A busy A road was less dangerous and we were impressed by the skill of the coach driver who managed to avoid a central island and Alan by less than a few inches either side. The views were fantastic from such a height and seaside views marred only by a seagull sitting and shitting on my panniers.
After a circumnavigation of Axminster, there was, actually only one place to stay but it is delightful. Was a bit scary for a while when we were having to consider a tarpaulin! Now we are well fed and knackered /tired and talking nicely to lungs and muscles in preparation for the morrow.

1 comment:

  1. Greig Wilkinson13 May 2018 at 11:32

    Welcome back to cycling on British roads! I had a similar experience to Dad a couple of weeks ago. In my case it was a scoda estate and not a bus , but the central island and the gap of a couple of inches sounds familiar. Despite having been in the saddle for 6 hours I summoned the strength to chase the car after he indicated that he felt I was the ‘wanker’ of the incident by marking some lovely hand gestures. When I caught up with him at the next traffic lights I used the opportunity to politely explain to him his error of judgement. I quickly realised however that it was pointless arguing with stupid as his response was that he didn’t have to do f**king anything and that I should be more careful. His parting gesture was to slam his brakes on as I followed him up the road to ensure that I rode into the back of his car. A delightful chap and, happily, British roads seem to be full of people just like him.
