Sunday 9 September 2018

Thursday  06.09.2018

Nearly Inverness - Foyers

After settling extortionate bill, we set off for the town of Inverness. You may remember how much we love big towns! Inverness was no exception to our preconception - everyone in a rush to get to their destination and no apparent concern for anyone else on the roads. (I’m sure they care about bit…..) It was our good fortune that Mr. Navigator was on the ball and unerringly led us on to the appropriate road out of he city. I’m sure Inverness is a lovely city and loved by all its citizens but we were not sorry to leave it in our same.

For some good few kms, we trekked our way along 'cycle paths’ which was heavenly as some of these we entirely bereft of traffic and others had clearly defined cycle lanes and it is remarkable how tension decreases with lack of vehicles. Sadly though, as all good things must, it came to an end and we were back on rather shabby single track with accompanied by the inevitable stop/start. The loch shone in on our right and we caught glimpses of it through the trees, then just at the perfect moment, a picnic site hove into view and the sun came out. What more could a body want? It transpires that the midgies wanted our bodies. Not to be beaten by the little blighters, we encased our heads in black netting. That had them beat! And, no doubt frightened a few holiday makers.
Blue sky lasted until we had stowed our waterproofs - then the heavens’ opened again.
I had booked a room in an inn and explained to the person on the phone that we would be arriving on push bikes: he could have forewarned me about the 1 in 10 drive of mud and gravel. Lovely when we had huffed our way to the door and the views over loch Ness were stunning in the evening light - a mix of sunshine and very black storm clouds which, in due course, released an abundance of hail stones.
Over the last bit hill tomorrow and despite Al’s assurance that 'it won’t be too bad’ it still looks like a Pen y Fan to me! Heyho.