Monday 27 May 2019

26th - Monday 27th
Caminha  - Espino around 140kms

So we are finally on our way!  The van is now parked out of the way and under the trees and we have had much support from the campsite staff. We have been furnished with phone numbers in case of problems and many comments of support and good luck. So here's to the Portugal adventure.
It all began with a fabulous run along the coast with a whizzy wind of some 20kms.(the wind strength and the distance). We meandered around a very wiggly route and, without Al's magic machine and all those hours of transferring files etc, we would have had no chance of finding our route. And I thought all that time in the office was just about skiving off the washing up! Of signs along the route, there were none! And nobody mentioned that lots of the lesser roads (most of them) are cobbled! Ugh! Sudacreme to the rescue. Very relieved that we are bouncing around on bikes which will cope with the vagaries of continual bumping.
We have discovered that we are encountering lots of folk with rucksacks and shells! This time we are going in the opposite directions to all the pelicans but who still insist on wishing us a 'bon camino!' However, being on the route has proved to be very advantageous as our campsite catered primarily at this time of year for those making the pilgrimage. So we enjoyed a great evening meal and excellent facilities.
A sunny Sunday with shed loads of people making the most of the seaside and ensuring that the proms were overrun with dogs, small children, adolescents still admiring their phones and the occasional decent chap who said Hi or the Portuguese equivalent.
Good to get the first day completed with no unforseen problems!?

Monday 27th - Made it to Espino via very busy Porto.
Not a bad night under canvas if one ignores the gale force winds, pounding surf and ants wandering indicriminately over naked bodies. No harm, they just tickle and disturb slumber. Mind you, the evening meal accompanied by a bottle of delicious wine may have made a small contribution to restlessness. Always up for a challenge, Al had a meat course which contained every part of a pig except, it would seem, the muscle and all with beans! Very nice apparently! I stuck with the fish.
Nevertheless, we were up and running by nine this morning and enjoyed a good 20kms along the coast still with our whizzy wind - thank goodness. A chance encounter with the police earned us a thumbs up from the driver- another first and much appreciated. Still, all good things come to an end and in our case it was the cobbles…………….and yet more cobbles.
Master navigator has had to check constantly that we are still on course. That he was successful was proved by our reaching Porto and it's thousands of people. Pushing through the throng was frustrating and a time consuming stop/go involving much walking. And an occasional push up a ramp from a charming electrician working on a connection! And an encounter with a couple from Caernarfon.
Up the river we went (not actually in the water) til we eventually found a bridge, crossed it and then faced a nostril wind to regain the coast. All good for the soul. Mm……….
We have also, since leaving Porto in our wake, seen our first route sign! Not many followed but we live in hope.
Indoors tonight in a hostel/appartment.       

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