Saturday 25 May 2019

Road to Portugal 20 - 22May

Monday saw a complete change in the weather to the extent where we enjoyed a walk into the village and partook of a very tasty lunch on the terrace of a harbourside restaurant. A day complete with a finale of the sun setting over the sea.

Tuesday was a shortish drive to La Paz last visited some twenty five years ago. In twenty five years not a lot has changed except for the vast road which now runs along the coast of Northern Spain with not a donkey in sight. Venture a few metres from said road and the campsite access retains its charming narrow, winding potholey track to the base of the 1:15 hill and reception. No longer requiring a tractor to haul us to the top, the ascent was somewhat nerve wracking but the magnificent view is unchanged. The sea a deep blue with the mountains behind. A delight to find it unchanged.
Having been instructed to find a pitch, any pitch, except the one we chose!  See, I did say nothing had changed! Had better luck the second time - shelter from a still slightly chilly wind and stunning views of the sea. If we thought choosing a pitch was difficult, it was nothing compared with trying to obtain a decent shower. Lots of taps and switches but no instructions! Obviously, one turned the first tap (cold water!) then one pressed the light switch on the wall which allowed the hot water to flow. Piece of cake……….not.
Nothing compares with sitting on the beach watching the tide rise and then watching the sunset over the headland - bloody marvelous. Lots of lovely memories.

Wednesday 22nd May
A day of relaxation in the sun and taking lunch on the terrace. What a life!

Road to Portugal23 - 25 May

You might be forgiven for thinking that we are delaying our real departure and you would be correct but the journey has been worth the delay. Thursday was a full day on the road but such a stunning route. Apart from the views of coast and mountains, the feats of engineering required to incorporate numerous tunnels and viaducts is quite mind boggling. So, apart from Tom Tom making one of its cock-ups trying to locate the campsite and expecting us to negotiate farm tracks, we find ourselves at the start of our ride but we haven't started quite yet.
It was with considerable relief that on our arrival, our receptionist spoke extremely good English and we were able to explain our intentions and requirements in minutes and it seemed nothing was too much trouble. It was an unexpectedly uncomplicated arrival into a very friendly campsite. We are not entirely sure of the exact spot that we shall be leaving the van but as long as we return before September! when the site closes for the winter there should be no problem.
As the clocks are an hour behind Spain and France, we were in bed by 21.30 very relieved to feel that all would be well with the world.

Friday 24th May
We met with the 'chief' today who has confirmed that we are able to leave the van, that we have his 'phone number in case of problems and that we agree to make a payment - all of which is very satisfactory.We have, therefore, finally unloaded the bikes and pedalled up the road to ensure that we, and the bikes still function. All good.
Discovering that the campsite restaurant would be opening for the first time this year, we felt obliged to attend so at 19.00 we made our way over only to find a very agitated 'chief' and a more sanguine chef. Eating, it seemed might be a problem - no gas! Technician is on his way though. We could still drink and as we cleared half the bottle of wine the technician turned up, switches a switch and hey presto the gas came through. By this time, we had been joined by Jeff and then by the 'chief'. A superb  meal of sword fish arrived - well worth the wait. A thoroughly pleasant evening enjoying interesting company, excellent food and an excellent wine.
Tomorrow, we get down to the basics - trying to find the beginning of the route, packing and loading the bikes,ready, at last, for the off.

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