29.05 2015
Suce sur Erde – Cousept 65kms
ascent (no idea but a bit more than before!)
Before the action |
This has been, by far, the most interesting day of the
journey so far. However, not all points of interest have been entirely
favourable. I shall begin with the favourable.
We had found an
interesting chamber d’hotes for the night of the 29th, courtesy of
yet another open tourist office. The house was named Cube which will give an
idea of its appearance. Very modern, clean and efficient with an agreeable host
and an equally agreeable dog called Dom. So, we bade farewell and discovered a
whole host of friendly people on boats on the canal and small marinas which Al
has renamed ‘Bateau Parks’.
Things were still interesting
as we left the canal and headed for Nantes. A well marked and well surfaced cycle track led us by
the nose and lulled us into a sense of security which surprisingly didn’t last.
In a flash we were dicing with death, roundabouts, crossroads, other cycle
routes, trams and traffic lights! Nonetheless, we confidently followed the
signs for ‘centre ville ’and probably found the centre although it was
difficult to identify as there was no sign actually telling us we had reached
our goal. In the event, it didn’t matter much as the less favourable
interesting incident occurred at around this time.
You have to imagine,
dear reader, a thoroughfare which
consists of a pedestrian way, a cycle, track, a tramway and a road all
going in the same direction and then a cyclist named Alan falling from his
bike, hitting the upraised tramway (made of granite) and all in the twinkling
of an eye. As interesting things go this was one we could happily have done
without. He hit the deck like a ton of bricks and was instantly surrounded by
people trying to help which was very encouraging but not entirely helpful. The
most helpful, was the suggestion that it might be sensible to move away from
the tramline before a tram came along and compounded any damage! That he was
very sore was soon obvious but in true Wilkinson style, having examined body
and soul, it was clear that even if hospital was an option, he was going to
avoid it if at all possible. (Ironically we passed casualty just five minutes
further along the route!) A period of time passed when we drank tea, returned
Al’s handlebars to their rightful position, checked brakes and wheels and then speculated on our options. We took option
one: to carry on.
We missed an important bridge crossing, but with the
helpful intervention of a nice man we
were able to take a ferry instead. Much more interesting (good interesting) and
Confident that we were now on the correct bank of the Loire,
and Alan could still breathe, we found a tree and sat down to lunch and see
what other points of interest arose. They were not long in coming. Our
preferred option for an overnight (a B and B we had used on our West East trip)
was full but the host suggested an alternative which after some confusion and
misunderstandings we reserved. What we had reserved was not clear (a kind of
tent in the garden – a chalet perhaps?). Finding accommodation was imperative
as we were still speculating on how serious Alan’s injuries were.
Bouyed up (a bit) by the thought of a bed and comfort, we
headed west into the first nostril wind of this journey! Not any old wind, a
full on force 6. Demoralised, anxious and tired we arrived at our overnighter
to be met by the owner saying they were full and had no record of my booking!
That was one of those heart in your boots moments. However, anxiety over Alan’s
health overcame any natural politeness. I didn’t care if they had a record or
not, it was 18.00 and we needed to rest. Eventually, we were shown to our
interesting (very not good interesting) shed in the garden! True, it had two
beds/bunks a table and a stool. Lighting was in the form of a battery driven
light and the toilets and bathroom were the other side of the field! We have
endured much worse (not much worse - ed) so we set to, pulled food from the trailers and drugs from
the rucksack and swigged a bottle of wine. Even before the wine Al was unable
to get up unaided from the bed so things were not looking brilliant it has to
be said. We would just have to wait and see how things looked in the morning.
(Mary says , if I hadn’t been so well padded, I could have
been seriously hurt! I want sympathy –