Saturday 24.
09.16 La Barre de Monts – St. Gilles
la Croix de Vie (35kms)
After checking into the hotel, I changed into a cyclist and
we piled into the car to set off to locate the cycle route. We found a car park
not a great distance from where the map indicated the cycle route should pass.
Leaving Al to explore the area or go back to the hotel, I confidently and
enthusiastically shot off in the direction of the sea. ( after all this is a
route which follows the ocean – more of that later.) As I was to discover
during much of this ride, the sea was often obscured by trees as was the case
on this inauspicious commencement. I found myself confronting a dead end, or so I thought, until the usual
helpful locals arrived and walked me 5 metres to show me a sign clearly
indicating my chosen path! My profuse
thanks were accepted with a gentle headshake such that one would accord an
ignorant six year old. (and a 70yr old!!! – Ed.)

Admittedly it was
Saturday, the sun was shining and the temperature was around 25 degrees C
but……………….. there was an ever present danger of killing a pedestrian sauntering
along oblivious of the rest of the world, bumping into a vehicle looking for a
parking spot on the cycle path or worst of all, being run down by a fellow
cyclist. These weekenders had all the appearance of focussed beach worshippers
and had left at home their general awareness of the population in general.
Thankfully, I avoided killing anyone or colliding with a vehicle but it was
vital to remain alert and vigilant, so admiration of the sea itself was a
definite no no.
Despite having to avoid the numpties, I made good time. I
crossed the final bridge and nearly came to an unfortunate end on hearing a
voice in my left ear say “Well done.” It was Al intending encouragement and
So far, all well! We drank a very welcome beer, had a shower
and then discovered that the hotel restaurant was closed every weekend! Explain
that if you will! Surrounded by nearby eateries , acquiring an evening meal was
not a problem. A lovely evening to complete a busy day and to contemplate the morrow
when I really get going, trailer and all.
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