05.10.16. From Home
We knew that an expedition this year was always out of the
question as I had granny duty to fulfil and babies’ arrivals are notoriously
difficult to predict. However, Bea arrived on schedule to the delight of all
concerned. Her birth was only part of a decision to delay any longer ride; Al
is healed but reluctant to complete the Odyssey and the summer was reticent in its appearance.
We Brits whinge endlessly on the subject of the weather but it is unusual to
overhear general conversation among the local French population on that very
subject. Suffice to say, consistently good weather didn’t arrive until June!
Thus, rides were limited to several hours at any one time followed by a hot
shower and a cup of tea. As ever, the Lot beckoned and we spent several weeks
exhausting ourselves climbing Hans’ “not that steep!” hills. We also enjoyed
the privilege of watching the Tour de France rush through Viellevie a village
close by, which fully exploited its two hours of glory. Balloons, beer tents
and much goodwill was in evidence and enjoyed by a large crowd of locals and
Despite having a
campsite to oversee until September, Hans was organising a trip to Greece which
would entail some 1000kms and goodness only knows how much height gain. I can’t
pretend that I was not envious but in no way would I be able to accompany
someone who can ride like the wind and climb like a mountain goat on a bike!

By September I had given up any hope of riding any distance despite mentioning on various occasions that I would like to complete the ride we had started last year. So, imagine my surprise when, from out of the ether, Al suggested I might take time out to finish the Odysee. I kept my enthusiasm in check for one whole evening before rushing out to the barn to examine the condition of our equipment; not pristine but good enough for 700 odd kms. I confess to eliminating the possibility of camping so Sherman was likely to be much lighter than on previous wanderings. Hoorah!
Knowing that I would be alone in the event of a breakdown,
Al instructed me on the basics of bike and trailer maintenance and two days
later, we set off for St. Gilles la Croix de Vie. The plan – always a plan –
was to spend the first night together in a ‘nice’ hotel after I had spent the
afternoon commencing the cycling from just short of where we had finished 16
months earlier. The following morning I would ride off into the sunrise and Al would
return home after agreeing to pick me up either after mission accomplished or
when and if I copped out for any reason. Hopefully the former!
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