Thursday, 20 December 2012
Sunday, 9 December 2012
Correze Cycling Holidays
Weather Wonderland
It may not have been freezing when we woke but we
experienced all of the above with the exception (you have guessed correctly) of
the 20 degrees. Nonetheless, it was a day of such weather that we could ride
our bikes without snow tyres – perhaps! Optimistically, we selected a route of
around 60 kilometres that would take us in a circle – sort of- and return us to
our start point at our residence, thus relieving James of any onerous driving.
Clad in our now familiar winter clothing which included a set of ski trousers for
me and Buffalos for us both, we waved a cheery farewell.
It never ceases to amaze me that a very short climb can
transform a slightly damp road surface to one surrounded by snow; amazed I was,
therefore, as we found ourselves once more in amongst the white stuff. For the
most part the roads were clear enough as long as we stayed out of the gutter so
we doggedly stuck to our line and if vehicles had to pull over, so be it. Most
of the vehicles anyway belonged to the chasse and were being driven at hectic
speed in order to trap some unsuspecting beast. Confident that we were not the
quarry and, therefore not likely to catch a bullet, we enjoyed a series of
steady climbs in somewhat dubious weather. For a short while our pleasure was
marred by the appearance of a particularly heavy fall of sleet but, just as in
all good books, relief appeared in the form of a bar/café which served hot
coffee and afforded us sufficient respite to recover feeling in feet and hands.
(I do sometimes question our definition of pleasure!). It did feel as though we
had been climbing for most of the ride so with the cessation of the sleet and a
few downhills I questioned a little less. And when we finally arrived at a
weeny village called Gimel les Cascades, we were quite bowled over (not
literally, thankfully) with its rustic buildings and very steep sided gorge, at
the bottom of which could be seen, of course, les cascades! Following a narrow
and steep road, we crossed what looked like an old Roman bridge and beheld the
falls in all their glory. Fabulous! Our sudden appearance had startled another
spectator who gave us a disbelieving stare but then forgot all about these
insane cyclists when we were all nearly run down by a motor home. Bear in mind
the road width was only marginally wider than the Roman bridge and the Romans,
as far as I know, had no motor homes! Leaving the driver to sort out his own
dilemma, we stared with at the upcoming climb. Poor old elephant was well
With the weather threatening to snow, rain or something
similar, we made a beeline for home. We had ridden some 60 + kilometres and
climbed over 2000 feet. This was to be our last ride of this short but fabulous
holiday and we were delighted that, despite being December, we had completed a
ride every day.
Birthday Boy
Today is Alan’s birthday! As usual, my attempts at making
the day memorable have hit a small wall! Although toasty warm inside, the rain
and sleet outside promised a difficult day; in fact riding looked very
unlikely. But, we are, after all ‘British’, so at around ten thirty we climbed
aboard the bus for a ride downhill to the valley floor convinced that there,
the temperatures would be higher and not freezing. Less than five minutes later
we were driving through a blizzard! We are nothing if not perseverant so on
four snow tyres we continued downward. The snowflakes got bigger and bigger as
I shrank from the accusing comments of the boys. BUT Hoorah and hooray, after a
coffee, the thaw had begun. Not in a great rush, you understand, but enough to
give us the confidence to unload the bikes, put on a few more layers and set
off along the river (well the road alongside it) to Beaulieu. I have to point
out that temperatures were just shy of plus 2 degrees and it was raining and
thus not the ideal weather for a bike ride. A fabulous road, very little
traffic and the cessation of rain nonetheless, made this a pleasurable
experience. So good was it, that we decided to make the return trip along the
other side of the river after we had found something to eat. Boulangeries all
shut (it was past 1 o’clock) but a small supermarket, which was ignoring French
tradition, was open for sandwiches and chocolate. What I didn’t know was that
it was located on a one way street. Blithely riding the wrong way the only
vehicle I encountered belonged to the local gendarme who was not impressed by
my transgression. After a ticking off and a subsequent abject apology from me,
it was decided that I would not have to spend the night in gaol! How
thoughtful! Couldn’t he have found a burglar to pick on?
Will it or will it not be frozen tomorrow; will it snow;
will it rain; will the sun shine; we must wait and see. I think we can be
fairly certain that temperatures will not be a pleasant 20 degrees!
Sun and Snow
We have a skylight in our bedroom and this morning it was
covered in snow! However, the cover was light, and although everything outside
was frozen, the sun shone in defiance of the cold. A truly beautiful day but
could we ride? Of course we could! Mmmm.
The mountains were going to be beautiful today so the decision made over
breakfast, was that we would delay the start in the hope that a thaw might set
in or at least a partial one. Mmmm. By 10.30, and resembling a couple of
Michelin men, we sought out James and the minibus which was to take us to the
start of our ride just on the outskirts of Egleton. It is true that the roads
were still very icy but ensconced inside a bus with snow tyres we were sanguine
about the tour to come. We were less sanguine after negotiating a set of icy
steps to the boulangerie and observing the provision of salt on the pavements.
Nonetheless ten minutes later, we were unloading the bikes, having a nervous
wee behind a convenient bush and bidding a reluctant farewell to our driver and
mentor. Six or seven kilometres later, we must leave the mainish road and take
on the less salted variety. James was waiting for us. For a few hundred metres
it looked as if conditions were going to defeat us but not so. The ice
surrendered to the sun and the road surface was rideable with care. Persistent
sunshine allowed for conditions to improve and exhibit the beauty of the
countryside when we had enough breath to appreciate it as we were undertaking
some fairly serious climbing. In a charming village we partook of the lunch we
had purchased in the valley while perusing the architecture (too cold to sit
still), admiring the vista and chewing the cud with an elderly local walking
his very, very small dog. If he thought we were mad he hid it well but warning
us of shocking weather to come on the morrow. We decided to live for today and
so, revitalised, we continued with our climb. Armed with his local knowledge,
James had driven to a point where he suspected conditions might be too icy for
a continuation on two wheels. Sadly, he was right and we had to finish the last
few kilometres on four wheels with an engine. Disappointed we might have been,
but the views from the top more than compensated for that. Add in James’
valiant attempt at boiling a kettle on a small gas stove, and we were ecstatic.
That the kettle took nigh on half an hour to boil mattered not at all as we
took photos of everything including the reluctant kettle. Anyway tea is always
better for a wait – maybe.
High Tea |
Clearly, the cycling was over for the day but it had been
memorable for all the right reasons and endorsed our original desire to visit
this area of France. Our grateful thanks to James, without whom none of the
cycling would have been possible as conditions were so unreliable and
changeable. With a bus and driver monitoring progress it allowed us to maximise
the amount of cycling we could do.
Birthday Treat
Now some people have a birthday bash on their special day;
some people take an exotic holiday; many people just carry on as normal
especially when the years are something to be counted backwards! And some lucky
people can take a biking holiday in December! So we find ourselves in a region
of the Correze some two hours from home with two bikes (no trailers!) and lots
of hills and valleys. It is also true that temperatures are just on the plus
side of zero and the rain and sleet have not been shy in putting in an
appearance. Sensibly, we/Alan have selected a base from which to cycle which
requires no canvas of any kind and no cooking on a camp stove. All meals
provided, log fires to lounge around after a day of cold and wet and a bed of
great warmth and comfort! (Much more about this great place later)
This morning, our first, the weather promised not a lot and
indeed, delivered exactly that. However, our base has been designed by cyclists
for cyclists, so we even had our route and map provided for us. Despite all
this first class organisation, decisions on what clothing to don occupied us
for a very long time! Inevitably, having wrapped up to combat the cold and wet,
we needed to unwrap to use the loo! Eventually, suitably kitted out and with
bikes at the ready, our relieved hosts waved us off. Under normal
circumstances, we would have been delighted with the long downhill that began
our day’s journey. However, what warmth we possessed when we mounted our bikes
dissipated in about thirty seconds and we ran out of hands and feet in about
forty five! Never has a promised uphill looked so attractive! An additional
bonus of uphill riding is the views that appear on route. We are very familiar
with trees as those of you who have had the patience to read previous blogs
will know. But at this time of the year they possess a different quality; that
of being devoid of leaves, thus allowing vast glimpses of villages and
mountains which in the spring and summer would be obscured. Even winter has its
up-side. The downside of all these leaves departing their parent tree is the
accumulation of slippery debris on the road which does require riding with some
If we thought the roads around our home were quiet, we were
to reach new height of quiet. Not a car was to be seen until EDF appeared. Not
one, but several blue cars careered around corners narrowly missing oncoming
cyclists. (After all who in their right mind would be on a bicycle at this time
of the year?) The reason for this proliferation of small vehicles soon became
apparent when we encountered and crossed a spectacularly huge dam. The
continuation of the ride along the river to Argentat passed without incident
and we even managed to buy and quaff a snack lunch sitting on benches in the
dry. Even without the benefit of the
garmin’s record keeping, we knew that as Argentat was in a valley and we were
living on a mountain top the return ride was going to be uphill! So, no
surprises when we reached the base of a climb which did go on a bit……..and then
a bit more. On the whole the weather had been pretty indifferent and a degree
of complacency had set in. Always dangerous – just ten minutes from ‘home’ a
freezing deluge soaked everything down to underwear. We dripped our way into
the bike shed, shook off the surface water and carefully, without too much
dripping, made our way to the fire, tea and cake! What more could you ask for?
We didn’t actually ask, but there followed drinks, (alcoholic), a delicious
five course dinner accompanied by lively conversation before sleep enveloped
us. Mountains tomorrow!
December 2012
Old Bones are back with bones pretty much intact!
It has to be said that after the disappointment of not
making it to the Black Sea, writing the blog took a bit of a nose dive.
Actually the effort involved in typing with only one functioning wrist reduced
my enthusiasm for communication. However, we have not been inactive during this
crashing silence. Even at our advanced age, bones do mend, if somewhat
reluctantly. So, despite the dire warnings from the surgeon about the foolhardy
nature of bike riding, or more accurately, falling off, we resumed normal service
by visiting the hills in the Lot valley in August. This had been our training
ground prior to our traverse of the Pyrenees, so it seemed like a good idea and
a way of gauging how far the mighty had fallen (me). Quite a long way as it
turned out. I spent much time staring into the distance, watching Alan swarming
up the hills while I tried to persuade my lungs that they really did have
sufficient capacity to feed oxygen to my muscles. My coercion had some limited
affect, but not enough for us to ride companionably side by side. It seemed
that was still some way off. However, beautiful scenery and lots of warm
sunshine can work their own magic. Legs firmed up somewhat and lungs began to
co-operate. A week later, we were home again and enthusiastically (mm……. not sure about the enthusiasm)
whizzing (also debateable) around our training circuit.
Friday, 22 June 2012
Back To Where It Started
Tuesday 19. 06. 2012
Zebegeny – Papsziget (about 20kms
short of Budapest)
Wednesday 20.06.2012 Papsziget -
Wednesday 20.06.2012 Papsziget -
The idea of making a short day of today was so that we could
rest awhile and contemplate the navigational rigours of traversing Budapest
tomorrow. So we enjoyed a leisurely and unremarkable ride in temperatures which
show no sign of decreasing. (Still up in the high 30s). We arrived in the mid
afternoon at a fairly dilapidated site. Its appearance may have been
disappointing but the facilities were all that we could wish – old, but clean
and functional with a very reasonably priced restaurant so I left the stove in
the trailer. Always the best place for it! A good meal served by a delightful
young man anxious to practice his English (or Irish as he had honed this skill
in Dublin), a pretty hot and sticky night in the confines of the tent, and we
were ready for Wednesday’s challenge. It was not go exactly to plan!
It had always been my intention to write the blog for these
two days together. What I did not know, was that it would be my last! It has to
be said that Budapest was not the easiest place to ride. You have to accept
that as something of an under-statement. It was a city full of the sound/noise
of motor vehicles. It is true, that there was much beauty in the architecture
and, no doubt there was much to recommend its offerings to culture but for us,
it represented many of the things that modern life seems to require, at the
expense of the original wonder. That said, I am sure some of you now are
certain that I am a charlatan. Anyway, after a good many wrong guesses (even
with two maps) we were well clear of the city when IT happened! My excuse –
that I was tired, a bit fraught and very, very hot. Pretty poor excuse I hear
you cry. My trailer wheel hit a very upstanding speed bump, flipped over
bringing my bike to an abrupt halt catapulting me through the air to land in
the dirt. As it was my second fall of the day I had hoped a quick rub and dust
down would see me whizzing again. In short time and feeling sick (always a bit
of a giveaway) it was clear that the injury sustained by my right wrist this
time was not going to respond to a quick ‘kiss it better’. Mmmm….. we knew
where we were on our map but had no idea how to pronounce the name and even
less how to explain to a taxi or an ambulance where they might find us. We
stood looking forlorn for some time while vehicles, disappointingly, gave us a
wide birth. It was clear that we must initiate some action or stand like a
couple of lemons all day. Bravely, Alan hailed a couple of young girls on
bikes. (Pretty too.) I have already commented on the thoughtfulness and
kindness of youth and now we encountered it again. One of said lassies spoke
very good English and once we had explained our predicament she called the
emergency services explaining how to find us. Not satisfied at that act of
kindness, she and her friend offered to remain with us until the ambulance (I use
that term loosely) arrived. When the vehicle arrived some 20 minutes later, she
was able to explain to the medic (and I use that term loosely) what the
situation was and more importantly she was able to convey to Alan the name of
the hospital they would take me to. I left my poor spouse in hands of our
little angels while I was sirened back to Budapest. I really wasn’t that
unwell! The journey still took forever and while I was relieved to have
survived it, I was less confident about building I was ushered into. To those
of us from the west it was a shock, looking much more like a hostel for down
and outs than a 21st century hospital. However, the medical
treatment, while basic, was efficient and the doctor, very competent. Alone in
such a place, and probably looking a bit lost, a very large and unkempt man approached me.
Now I don’t do cowering, but with some temerity I acknowledged his ‘Excuse me.’
(in perfect English) ‘Can I get you a coffee or something?’ His kindness nearly
had me in tears but I didn’t want to dilute the coffee so generously proffered.
I thank him from the bottom of my heart.
Finally, lying with my hand in a rack, my ‘phone rang. It
was with much relief that I heard Alan’s voice firstly checking that I was
still in one piece and secondly to say, that with much help from les girls, Ramona
and Erika, he, bikes and trailers were ensconced in the airport hotel and I
should make my way there when the torture was over. Two hours later we were
re-united and our voyage was over. Now we await our flight in some luxury and
with grateful thanks to Deborah and Brendan, who will collect us from Paris,
and we return home somewhat sooner than expected.
Despite completing just about two thirds of our anticipated
journey, the experience, as ever, has been full of interest and human kindness.
We have enjoyed the variety of the different environments and cultures, and we
have benefitted from the work put in by the organisers of the Eurovelo 6. That,
on occasions, when it has been less than perfect, the fault probably lies with
local vandalism or sheer ignorance as to the importance of the signs. On this trip
we have encountered a plethora of different track surfaces, and it has to be
said that some are found wanting. We are all up for a challenge but rutted and
muddy without a quality mountain bike are not a lot of fun. Much of the scenery
has been glorious even in the rain, of which we have had a goodly amount and
the rivers have been endlessly changing as water is wont to do. As ever, we
have been cheered by your comments and good wishes and so with heavy heart (no,
arm) we bid you adieu with our thanks for your support.
Monday, 18 June 2012
Crash,Bang and a Disconcerting Whallop
Monday 18. 06. 2012 Komaron – Zebegeny 71.6kms
We had an enthusiastic send off from our host. It might just
have been that he wanted to make sure that we left, but I don’t think so. (I
should mention that Komaron is a Spa town and I suspect we were the only people
too tired to take the waters.)
We were given to understand that the next section was
picturesque and it is true that we had found the river again at last. It is also true that is was very pretty. We
had to take another ferry onto the other side of the river. At this point I
took stock of financial resources and deemed it propitious to find a bank and
top up. 100 metres into the village a bank emerged which was shut! The ATM
however was open. We returned to our signed track and discovered that new paths
had been laid and we didn’t have to take to the road. By now, quite/very hot we
saw a sign for a hotel which suggested that it welcomed cyclists. After a
certain amount of dissension and discussion between husband and wife, we were
allocated a room. We were not exactly the subject of the dissension (no smell)
but the fact that they were going out and would need to leave the boy in
charge. It has been a delightful experience as we dined on the terrace and
watched an inspiring sunset. Then suddenly, there was a very loud bang and a
part of the railway electricity pylon immediately beside our balcony gave way. At
almost the same instant a train appeared around the corner. It was inevitable
that something unexpected was going to take place. It did. The train hit the pylon arm, the electrics blew, lots of whizz bangs and flashes and the goods train came to a halt. Such
excitement at the end of the day. No person was injured but how long the
repairs will take is anybody’s guess. Welcome to Hungary.
Sunday 17. 06. 2012 Asvanyraro – Komaron 81kms.
Today was hot before 08.00 so we knew we were in for a
determined ride. Made breaking camp an easy task as everything was dry.
Excellent start. After an hour or so we rode into Gyor, which on the map looked
a relatively uncomplicated town to negotiate. Nobody had told the E6 crowd that
the roads had been modified and the signs (if there ever were any) had gone
walkabout. Mr. Master Navigator faced his most difficult challenge so far. We
crossed a bridge, but it was the wrong bridge; we/ he found the correct bridge.
At no junction was there any evidence of an E6 sign and Mr. Master Navigator
was entirely reliant on a map in a book which was clearly out of date. The sun
provided a clue and after a couple more wrong moves, we finally found the right
road – which was horrible;
Maligned Youth
Saturday 16.06 2012
Hainburg – Asvanyraro (Hungary)
My apologies to the Hungarians for not having the facility
to add in all the accents that are due to Asvanyraro. Nonetheless we did make
it into Hungary having passed briefly through Slovakia. Bratislava was an
unexpectedly attractive city. I am not sure what we expected, but having passed
from Germany to The Czech Republic last year and observed such a change in the
urbanisation, we had expected something similar. In fact, Bratislava was as
tidy as Austria! The waterfront had been updated and now sported a very modern
look. There was not one, but two paths following the river!- one for skaters of
whom there were loads, all at various levels of skill, and the other for bikes.
You were a bit outnumbered if you were merely walking. We seem to have lost
much of the silver brigade though; most of these participants were only in
their twenties and thirties. I’m sure we shall find the ancients somewhere. The
enterprising set had installed a great number of watering holes which sold
mostly drinks, and most of those were beer. It seems you don’t need to eat to
keep fit.
In a short time we had crossed another invisible border and
we were in Hungary. The most challenging aspect of Hungary thus far has been
getting to grips with the currency which deals in such huge figures – one Euro
is about 300 forints so a visit to the bank required some careful maths before
deciding on the withdrawal. 45,000 seems a massive sum but it’s not, as those
of you with the mathematical skill to manipulate the numbers, will realise.
It was a beautiful day with a cloudless sky and temperatures
rising rapidly. As ever, there was a down side and today it was old nostril
wind blowing at about 25 kms. It was like pedalling the last 50 kilometres with
the brakes on! Does get a tad tiring. For reasons best known to all the hotels
and guest houses I tried, they were all full. Either I smell very, very bad or
they simply haven’t got all rooms operational. Bug….r them, we found a tinsy
campsite and approached a number of youths to ask if we could pitch the tent.
In short, the answer was yes but there would be a party going on but if we
could put up with that, we were welcome. In the absence of any alternative, we
accepted and up went the tent.
I have often maintained that youth is much maligned and has
gained an unfair reputation. This evening, as we sat mulling over our instant
pasta (which was actually okay), two of the party goers arrived with two bowls
of Hungarian goulash with fresh bread. We accepted gratefully and a little
while later the same two returned with two shot glasses and filled them with
some Hungarian type schnapps. These gestures went a long way to compensating
for the intermittent shouting which went on until dawn! I did sleep in between
and Al snored quietly, unaware of any noise.
Saturday, 16 June 2012
Read the Signs
Friday 15.06.2012
Tulln an der Donau – Hainburg
92.5 kms
What a day! Long and interesting.
The beginning – we were packed , dry, fed and away before
09.30. The sun wasn’t actually shining but it was veiled by only a thin layer
of cloud. I risked donning my new shirt and shorts - a good move as it turned
out. Mr. Master Navigator had spent some time perusing our projected passage
through Vienna which looked anything but straight forward. So, with more than
20 kms already completed, we reached the outskirts of Vienna under a full sun
(shorts and shirt doing well). Cofftea and buns were consumed for extra energy
and concentration. Now, it is not unusual for a map and local paths to be a
mismatch. However, this particular mismatch would have required a 100’ leap
onto a bridge to have fulfilled its objective. No wings and no other solution
than to try another option – like turning back and following the E6 signs which,
inevitably, ran out. Head scratching interlude! Fatal! ‘Where are you going?’
asked a young man. Mr. Master Navigator produced his map and to the command of
‘Follow me!’ (where have we heard that before?) we were soon flying through
Vienna. A sacrilege I hear some of you cry, but Vienna is another of those
cities that require a flight, a posh hotel and lots of dosh, not two old age
pensioners on bikes trying to cross Europe. We had seen a disappointing side of
the city for we had followed the canal which was shabby and graffiti covered.
After we met our guide, there was little time to admire anything else while we
concentrated on pursuing the lead bike. 10kms and 30 minutes later, we stopped
to breathe, and to bid a grateful farewell to our new friend (a university
lecturer apparently). The parting of ways left us eating our lunch in the
company of a number of naked men strolling around. I do struggle to find
anything attractive about old men wobbling along waving a very small willy.
Now back on track (Mr. Master Navigator in charge again,
located our position) and we left behind
the naked naturists.
I think I may have mentioned ‘hoch wasser’ in a former blog
and proud we were of our accurate translation. Today a similar sign appeared in
our path illustrated this time with a large hand, palm facing and a clear STOP.
As the river was markedly lower and more placid today, we ignored the sign! Bad
move! Several kilometres further on, the path turned a right angle and would
normally have crossed a small stream by means of a bridge. Today a very big
stream and no bridge; indeed ‘hoch wasser’! Too far and too lazy to go back, we
unhitched the bikes from the trailers and watched a couple in front to
ascertain the maximum depth. We didn’t actually want to drown. Knee high- thigh
high on my short pins. So, bikes first and then carry each trailer between us.
So several crossings later with legs and feet refreshed by their immersion in
cold water, we reassembled the duo, put on our shoes and socks and continued
on. On, followed and old railway track in
a straight line for 14kms with trees on either side. Mmmm.. not the most
absorbing view.
Finally we reached Hainburg, an ancient border town with a
very interesting history. My thoughts were more on the present; food and
accommodation. Both now satisfied. Tomorrow we will be in Hungary!
Still a Long Way To Go
Thursday 14.06.2012
Rozzatz – Tulln an der Donau
54.2 kms
The sun is shining! Well, it is playing peek a boo with the
clouds but we don’t care – the rain has stopped; ceased to fall; no wet stuff!
Jolly good show. We were a cheery pair who got underway, with a plan to ride
only for half a day, pitch the wet tent, dry everything out and do a spot of
general maintenance. For once, a plan has come together. We did smart a bit at
the required tariff for a patch of grass, but it is a very green and flat piece
of grass. Admittedly, the facilities are of an excellent standard and the sun
is still shining.
As soon as Mr. Master Technician had completed the bike
servicing, Mr. Master Navigator got out his books and poured over the
information available for the next three weeks or so. We had thought we were
doing pretty well as we are only a few kilometres from the end of book three.
Following that, we have only one more book. This time though, a book which
covers not 350 kms but 1,300 kms! So we won’t be back any time soon. I suspect
also that the simplicity of following a well- marked route will take on a whole
different, and less reliable, aspect onc we leave neat and tidy Austria.
The river was marginally less swollen today and where the
tracks had been flooded yesterday, was today just a muddy reminder. Our
assumption of the beauty of this valley was correct, although it has now given
way to a more open, agricultural and less charming geography. This is a very
popular route, it seems, even in June with lots of fast, fat blokes on mountain
bikes, lots of the silver brigade on organised rides(with their luggage transported
separately), and a few nutcases like us doing more than a few days/weeks. We
even overtook a few very old people today!
It is always more difficult to write a blog when all goes
well as has happened today. The only very slight mishap was my falling from my
bike – no, with my bike as it fell -
a couple of scrapes and relief that I was the only witness to this act of
stupidity. I was virtually stationary at the time. What a dork.
I even had an hour or so to read my book. Great.
Wednesday, 13 June 2012
More Rain
Wednesday 13.06.2012
Greiss - Rossatz 78.6kms
Noo… it didn’t stop raining –not once, all night! This was
no ordinary rain; it was tantamount to someone chucking buckets of water over
the tent. So big and loud were the drops, it was impossible to hear even the
noisiest lorry on the main road not 25 metres away! It seems, we are very slow
learners at this camping only in good weather lark. Had it stopped by the
morning? Nooo….. Remarkably we were still dry although the same cannot be said
of the canvas. However, in orderly fashion, we wheeled trailers undercover to
the toilet block and transported all our gear, damp or otherwise, and packed
for the day. Ho hum. This abundance of falling water had left much of the
campsite underwater which did not bode well for the rest of the day. The
question still on our lips is ‘Why on earth were we camping in such horrendous
conditions?’ The feeble reply to that is ‘ It wasn’t raining when we put the
tent up.’ Less than convincing. The campsite, however, did have a restaurant, which
provided a very substantial breakfast at a very substantial cost. Nonetheless,
we stoked up for a day in the rain…
We think this was one of the prettiest parts of the trip so
far. We cannot be definite about that, but even through a mist, with a grey
filter, its potential was obvious. As a result of the storms, the river had
risen to spectacular proportions and was an awesome sight. The ferry we had
planned to take, wasn’t running (and who can blame the ferryman – the pooh sticks
were the size of whole trees- they were whole trees!). So we, along with other
disgruntled cyclists returned to a bridge some 3kms upstream in order to cross
this raging mass of brown water.
Some short time later, we encountered a sign and understood
that ‘hoch wasser’ was not hot water but high water. And this notice didn’t
lie. The tunnel, through which we were to pass, was one third full of water.
Mmmm… now what? While we stood contemplating and head scratching, a very
forthright man pushed passed. A group of cyclist were following him so with no
better idea, we tagged on behind, pushing our bikes into the oncoming traffic.
We were reassuringly at the back of the group – safety in numbers? Anyway, in a
few metres, the track reappeared quite dry and off we set again with renewed
vigour. This was to be the first of a number of diversions as a result of flooded
paths. If not actually covering the path, the river often lapped within
centimetres of our wheels. The vessels actually on the river could barely make
way upstream but flashed by in the opposite direction. In fact, the river has
been an endless source of fascination today, observing the power of the water.
Despite the rain, we have enjoyed a different aspect of the Donau and a gentle
day’s riding.
And still it rained.
Determined not to sleep in a tent this night, we found a guest house. Now dry
and warm, the rain has stopped! Unbowed, we shall return to the tent if this
promised change in the weather materialises. But for now, after sampling the
very excellent local wine, we shall sleep soundly and dream of Vienna – our next
Around the World
Tuesday 12.06.2012
Feldkeirchen – Greis 85kms
There wasn’t enough sunshine for my new shorts, in fact
longs returned. Maybe I’m just a wimp. Superman was wearing his shorts so was Mr. Master Navigator
as he solved all the problems of finding our way through Linz. That big river
helped again. As we had made such a great start, we were there in time to stop
for coffee/cofftea. Our landlady of the morning was either anxious to share our
company or avoid her husband and under her watchful eye, we cleared the rooms
and packed the trailers in the garden in the sunshine.
Alan’s little book said that the route we must take this
morning, was shared with a road and, while it was safe, it wasn’t very
pleasant. How true! That I am writing this blog, is proof that it was safe. (I
can’t believe I am writing this in the tent in a thunder storm- more of that
later!) To return to the road: we were riding into the oncoming traffic, albeit
in a cycle lane and then for extra interest, the train line with trains, ran alongside. At Linz we
returned to the river –Whew.
This was also another day of nil response from fellow
travellers. Maybe it is just a big city thing. Anyway, I persevered with a
smile and a hallo (that’s German for hello) and was rewarded just twice out of
countless encounters. Not sure why we have this effect –answers on a postcard.
I gave up in the end and was, therefore, taken aback by a voice saying ‘Where
are you going?’ while we were in the process of changing maps and admiring a
very meaningful sculpture. We turned to greet a young man, with a heavily laden
bike, who had just recently commenced a round the world ride. The name of said
young man is Rupert Gregory and if you read this, Rupert, we wish you well and
will think of you periodically over the next two years and we’ll look forward
to reading your articles in Cycling World.
Although we were ostensibly riding downstream, what little
incline there was, was cancelled out by a gentle nostril wind. The river today
was wide and relatively slow moving and many colossal barges chugged in both
directions. In some cases with chug and burp engines that sounded unlikely to
make their destination, Svelta Dimitri in particular. A few purred – mostly
I mentioned in the blog yesterday that we hoped to cross
last year’s path. Well, Al suddenly pulled to a halt in front of me (always
dangerous) and said, ‘This is it.’ Sure enough, it was the guest house we had
used last year. Very bizarre.
The river has very suddenly narrowed into another gorge which
we hope to explore tomorrow – if it ever stops raining!
Past Passau
Monday 11.06.2012
Gaishofen - Feldkirchen (15 kms short of Linz)
Sometime today, we passed into Austria, but so obscure was
the line, we never even noticed it. What we did notice and enjoy, was the
change in the countryside. Today, we were riding through a forested gorge with
the river immediately to our right for most of the time. However, before we
could enjoy these views, we had first to negotiate Passau. We had sharpened our
wits overnight and, in finely honed form, we were up for the challenge. It was
all a bit of a damp squib really. Having a ruddy great river to follow probably
helped a lot! Apart from a nerve racking road/bridge crossing, it went well.
Passau is apparently a very beautiful Bavarian town but viewed from the
quayside another picture is painted. The quayside was a jostle of people and
souvenir shops. The people were either embarking or disembarking from various
river cruisers and the shops were attempting to waylay them before they
completed the short journey from coach to cruiser. The latter varied in size,
but all were ostentatious. Nonetheless, I am sure they provided a thoroughly
pleasant experience for those taking the holiday. (It’s sour grapes really. We
thought an up-river cruise would be a relaxing way to finish our holiday but
they wouldn’t take bikes! How inconvenient!)
Passau is a
beautiful town. Although we saw little of its splendour close up, the views of
the old town that we did see, confirmed the comments in the travel brochures.
It helped, that for the first time in days, the sun shone intermittently and I
was beginning to regret wearing long trousers.
The boat theme stayed with us all day. In addition to the
cruisers, the river was more usefully providing a thoroughfare for huge barges.
At least one was transporting an entire deck load of cars: of the other cargoes, we could only speculate
as they were contained below deck. Not only cruisers and barges, but ferries
played a role in our activities today. There were short sections of the gorge
that no self- respecting path could cling to. On these occasions the ferryman
and of course, his ferry, provided the means to continue. We took to the water
twice, the first time in the wake of a barge, and the wash it caused reminded
us of our sea legs.
It has been a beautiful experience today, and the rain has
still held off! As usual, our search for accommodation was left to opportunity.
Opportunity was not on our side, but with the help of a local restaurant owner,
we have met a dear old Austrian lady who has made us welcome in a room. Well,
three rooms actually!
Tomorrow we cross the path we followed last year (all things
being equal) and will find ourselves more than half way to this year’s
destination. Keeping our fingers crossed for a bit more sunshine. I want to
wear my new shorts!
Sunday, 10 June 2012
Any Old Excuse
Sunday 10.06.2012
Straubing - Gaishofen
(just short of Passau) 85kms
For the more astute of you, you will have noted from the
date that we actually took the day off yesterday. The hotel that we finally
decided upon on Friday was such a friendly and accommodating place, the town
was big enough to sort shopping and no one seemed to mind a bit if we cleaned
the bikes and trailers, did the washing and hung it on a conveniently hot towel
rail, so we stayed an extra day. (We cannot recommend highly enough ‘Hotel
Gaubodenhof’ in Straubing). We are doing very well with guest houses but
very badly with campsites! This is bad news for the budget, but the weather has
been truly appalling. We spent the whole of this morning getting soaked and
then very damp this afternoon. And
things are not looking very encouraging this evening. So, here we are in
another very nice Gasthaus. We’ll be keeping the German economy going all on
our own at this rate.
Despite the rain, the ride today has been pretty and generally
close to the river. I’m sure it would have been spectacular had we been able to
see further. For the most part it was fairly easy going and pretty quiet.
(After all, why on earth would you go for a ride in the rain when you could
stay in and watch the tele?) Why we bothered to clean the bikes is also a bit
of a mystery. It was a well- intentioned but fruitless exercise as they are
filthy again after another section of muddy track! Heigh ho, at least they are
only encrusted in one day’s dirt.
We are a few kilometres short of Passau. Traversing that
city is a project for lively minds, legs and 20:20 vision. Not sure who is
going to do it – doesn’t sound too much like us! Should we succeed, we shall be
in Austria where Alan can still use his vast knowledge of the German language –
“Zwei bier bitte.”Excellent beer it is too. Cheers!
Friday, 8 June 2012
Cruising Down the River
08.06.2012 Weltenburg –
Straubing 92.4kms + 5kms on the river!
(not in it)
This morning arrived accompanied by a lot of the wet stuff but,
by breakfast, it began to look a little brighter. I think it helped that we
shared our breakfast with three ebullient German cyclists, who seemed genuinely
interested in our endeavour and as we shared stories (their English was
excellent) the external temperatures rose, and the sun made a watery attempt at
In fact, it was a morning of good humour unlike the previous
day when the whole world appeared to have been born with a lemon in their
mouth. Along with a good many other souls, we made our way to the river only to
find that we had ¾ of an hour to wait! It was well worth it: no puffing up over
the gorge and a limestone gorge is always a pleasure to view from the bottom. As
the accompanying information was in German, we have little idea of the many
religious relics that seem to adorn the rocks. Al’s little book assured the
reader that there were images of Peter and Paul in the rock face but, try as we
might, they eluded our scrutiny. Five kilometres and twenty minutes downriver
and we were off on our way to ………………..?
The river has now reached spectacular proportions and is a
thoroughfare for pleasure craft and barges. None of this casual crossing from
one side to the other but it is more interesting watching the traffic. In
Regensburg where at least one other river joins the Donau, the usual plethora
of signs disappeared or else we failed to notice them. We have found that if you require help, you
stand perusing a map and scratching your head. This produces an immediate
response from truly well- meaning and helpful people. Thus, a very astute young
lady, unhesitatingly pointed us in the right direction and this quite large
city was traversed with no more difficulties.
As we are still trying to arrange a day off for general
washing (clothes!) and maintenance, we had hoped that Staubing, if we could
make the distance, would provide a large, well equipped campsite: it might have
done. Our resolve to search for it evaporated as we were finally drenched in a
downpour that had been threatening to do just that for about an hour. So
Staubing in a guest house it had to be in the hope that tomorrow will improve.
Still Shut
Thursday 07.06.2012
Laisacker – Weltenburg 72kms.
What a cracking day for all sorts of reasons which, you
lucky people, you are going to hear about. We began our morning with a
surprisingly substantial breakfast and were joined by five robust and
rumbustious workers of, we think, Polish nationality. Having finished eating,
we returned to finish our packing and they left to, presumably, go to work.
“Posh car,” commented Alan, peering out of the window. Followed several minutes
later by, “It won’t start!” Out puffed the proprietor (he puffed all the time),
opened a garage to reveal an enviably ancient tractor, which started first
time! Five minutes of jump lead intervention and they were on their way. More remarkable
was the bill we paid for a room, breakfast, four beers and two meals – 54
Having been unable to make a flask of what we now called
cofftea ( differentiating between the two flavours after several hours is quite
a challenge) and requiring our mid- morning pastry, we set about locating a
backerei. We began to notice a certain tranquillity to the towns and Alan was
not entirely convinced when I told him it was Thursday and not Sunday! However,
what did become abundantly clear, was that all
the shops, cafes, banks and factories were shut!
Resorted to calling a friend for the
answer, but to no avail. (Answers on a
postcard please)
Cycle tracks on all the new bridges |
We resigned ourselves to lunching on yesterday’s leftovers,
after all, we had enjoyed a very nourishing breakfast and water would have to
substitute for cofftea. Around lunch time, I suggested we look for a nicely
placed table and bench. “ We’ll just go on to the next village, we’ll find a
café!” saith Alan with a wide grin. And lo, there was a café; the only enterprise
open in the whole of Bavaria! We feasted on pasta and pizza – not together-
downed a large non- alcoholic beer and left the table, replete and raring to
To round off all the ‘remarkables’ of the day, the first
reasonably priced gasthaus provided a room, a meal and breakfast. Tomorrow we
take to the river! So looking forward to that exciting experience.
Perfect but Shut
Wednesday 06.06.2012 Dillingen – Laisacker 73.9kms.
Fortunately by 7o’clock, the rain had stopped. We made use
of the marquee and the table and chairs to eat our breakfast in comfort, and
hoping that we should not be confronted by the female chief of the site; a very
pretty but fearsome creature. The tent was drying out nicely and the sun was
trying its best to overcome the cloud layer. We hit (not exactly hit, more
wandered onto) the track next to the river, congratulating ourselves at having
managed to pack everything dry. As food supplies were running low, we had to
make a supermarket shop (Netto – excellent value), so we were a little late
starting out. The sun lost its battle with the clouds and the temperature
remained quite low - what has happened to summer? Mind you, it was great to
have a whizzy wind and not too many hills.
As the afternoon progressed, the clouds began to thicken
again and the rain started. We had already made the decision not to camp, so we
began looking for an alternative. Around 15kms from Stepperg, we spotted an
advertising panel for a Gasthaus. Perfect! As we approached the village, the
signs continued until we eventually arrived at said Gasthaus at the same time
as a sleek black Audi. The owners, for indeed it was they, climbed out of the
car. We explained that we would like a room and an evening meal. They were open
for a room and breakfast but not for an evening meal as the restaurant was shut
on a Wednesday! Next village came up with an hotel at an exorbitant price and
so onward. Our destination for tonight is a rather dubious Gasthaus which has,
however, provided us with all the essentials, for which we are very grateful; and it is still pi………ing down.
As ever, it is people we meet and greet, who make the greatest
contribution to this experience. Overall though, there is not the camaraderie
along this stretch of the river that we have experienced in other parts. This may be due, in part, to the fact that
Germany has so many cycle tracks and thus cyclists are two a penny. The first
impression of hotel proprietors has been mixed, but for the most part, a
guarded welcome is to be expected. Mind you, our inability to speak the
language may have much to do with all this. Smiles and body language can only
go so far – probably not much further than my schoolgirl German!
The Elephant
05.06.2012 Ehingen –
Dillingen 69.5 kms
I feel obliged to start today by extolling the virtues of
our hotel. Should you ever travel this way, the “Zur Linde” Hotel and Restaurant
at Erbach, provided us with a warm welcome, excellent accommodation, a drying
room and all for a very moderate cost. Our hostess must have come top of her
class in client care! Even the wifi was the most effective we have so far
encountered, which meant Al could post three blogs before breakfast. On that
subject, the blog I mean, I must apologise to you, our readers, for the errors
in spelling and punctuation (except the intentional ones) of the last three
blogs. I wrote one late at night and the other two very early in the morning.
One or two comments have suggested that my elephant must
have been rejuvenated after all the munching that went on last year – You
surely didn’t think he was real? Just
to reassure our readers that all is well, I am posting a photo of him in his entirety.
He is looking mighty fine don’t you think?
Today has been a thoroughly pleasant ride and the river has
changed from this titchy stream to a full blown, brown, swirling real river. We
have passed through Ulm and glimpsed some of its former medieval glories and
found peaceful gardens in which to dine. (See, no elephant required)
Having made the decision that today was a dry day, we spent
some time searching out a campsite. As ever in the towns, the cycle signs, if
they exist at all, become a bit ambiguous. We resorted, therefore, to asking in
our best English. Waved vaguely in the right direction, we chanced upon the
entrance and tried to find a person who might tell us if, and where, we could
pitch our small tent. Seeing our confusion, a very nice man explained in
excellent English, that a pitch might be possible tonight, but for just one night. He warned that there would be
much activity this evening, as they would be erecting a marquee for some
jubilant celebrations which were to take place the next day. Once agreed on a
spot which would not get run over or in the way, we pitched and made the tent
look as small as possible. Then the evening entertainment began. An army of
folk turned up with a truck load of metal spars, drills and a great deal of good
natured banter – I think? The man in charge, and probably, the owner of this
massive tent, took to shouting orders and established a routine which ensured
the safe erection of the scaffold. Then the flooring arrived along with the
table and chairs – another huge truckload. By this time, we were wondering if
there would be enough room for us to weave our way through all this
construction in the morning. The bar was moved at least three times, but by 10
pm, everyone seemed satisfied, quaffed a final beer and left. Ready to turn in,
we were hailed by our English speaking receptionist who arrived with two beers.
A gift from himself. There are some lovely people in this
Did I say we camp only in fine weather……………………It rained!
Tuesday, 5 June 2012
Monday 05.06.2012 Sigmaringen - Ehingham
91 kms
Fortunately, the rain held off while we breakfasted and
packed away our wet gear. Actually, the only item that was really wet was the
tent and, of course, the bikes. Our little green tent had rebutted all attempts
from ingress of the wet stuff and we were totally dry. (“What did we agree
about camping?” queried Alan. “I think it went something like – only in fine
weather!” I replied, retrieving a wet sock.) We bade farewell to the Blackwood
couple, who were off to Bodensee. It is unlikely that they enjoyed the splendid
views that we enjoyed, as the weather showed little sign of clearing. So, a
little cleaner and rested, we sallied forth again.
Is this the cart that'sgoing to the Black Sea? |
The countryside has changed again, and we rode along less
muddy tracks, through what can only be described as plains of crops. We
wondered at the farmers who may or may not have been happy to have numerous
cyclists riding through their estates – maybe the incentive was some kind of
reimbursement; we shall probably never know. We could see for miles, which also
meant we could see the oncoming storm. Like our souvenir hut of last year, a
shelter materialised just at the right moment. We pushed our bikes through the
long grass to an old shed housing even older farm equipment and made ourselves comfortable
in an old hay truck, where we ate our lunch watching the rain pelting down.
Like many storms, it was all over in a short time and by the time our feast was
finished, it had stopped and the swallows were busy feeding on the bity things
that seem to swarm at these times.
Throughout the day we had been inundated with signs along
the path indicating accommodation of one sort or another but……………………………
know what is coming……………after 75 kms, the campsite had disappeared and nothing
else indicated any kind of alternative! The next village offered a closed
Gasthaus, the one after that had no rooms. (although why you would call
yourself a guest house without rooms is beyond me). Finally in Ehingen, we
found a very bike friendly and reasonably priced hotel – very plush and not what we planned but heigh ho, any port in a
Mud and Cheap Beer
Sunday 03.06.2012
Nendingen – Sigmaringen 53kms
Woke to less than perfect weather but no complaints as we
have been very lucky thus far. Our hosts were waiting for us in the dining room
and had laid out a breakfast spread of bread, meats, cheese and the most
delicious raspberry jam! We scoffed an entire jar and hope that, as it was home
made, they would take it as a compliment. On the road, in the rain by 09.30.
The rain was to dog us for most of the day and it had turned the tracks into a
kind of gloopy mud. Herman was less than impressed as it sucked at the wheels
and tried to drown them. For much of the time, the track ran through the gorge
created by the river. It is hard to believe that this titchy little river was
responsible for these vast cliffs of limestone. Man had added to the charm by
building houses and small forts perched precariously on the edges although the
reason for this has eluded me. The track
itself, followed the valley, much of it through forest absolutely teeming with
birds, with the occasional glimpse of the water.
By lunch time, we were feeling the effects of yesterday’s
climb and as the only campsite mentioned in the little book was not far ahead,
we decided to weigh up its charms. The bikes and trailers were, by now, so filthy
that we were afraid to show our faces at a pension. Besides a camp site would
have a tap and the where with all to make an attempt at cleaning them. Just
past about a hundred canoes, we found the entrance and a very jovial welcome
from two ladies vying to practice their English, which suited me as my German
has progressed not at all. Waiting outside, and holding the bikes, Alan had met
a couple who were from Blackwood! Small world! They recommended the beer, but
before enjoying the pleasures of the restaurant we must needs erect the tent
and clean the bikes. The former was essential and the latter less so in view of
the rain which cascaded down during the night! Great meal though and he was
quite right about the beer!
Google Says Danube is Here!
02.06.2012 Wangen –
Nendigen 80.3 kms
Saturday, 2 June 2012
My Ding-a Ling
01.06.2012 Waldshut – Wangen (on Lake
Constance) 74.6 kms
Our modestly priced hostel accommodation provided us with
the best breakfast we have enjoyed since leaving home. Excellent value, and
primed us for the journey today.
Some of the paths we have had to negotiate have often been
quite narrow, especially towing Herman and Sherman, so I finally got around to
fitting a bell which had been provided with the bike whenever it was that we
purchased them. It has not been very useful for warning people of an overtaking
manoeuvre unless they are stationary, but it has provided me with a pleasing
tinkle. Instead of wind chimes, I have gravel chimes- very soothing, if
somewhat confusing, as I don’t know if it is my bell tinkling or a bike trying
to overtake. Nothing like a little ding-a-ling!
One last hill of indeterminate steepness and we arrived at
our overnight stop, and not a moment too soon. Now, fed, watered and very
tired, I can finish tonight’s blog just before it is dark! Tomorrow, I am
assured, we will reach the Danube/Donau. This is the river which will take us
the rest of the way to the Black Sea – or rather following it, will. Not
planning on a long swim!
Friday, 1 June 2012
All Change
Thursday 31.05.2012.
Basle – Waldshut 72.9 kms
Well, no thunder storm transpired and we got off to another
good start, in terms of time. The same cannot be said for the ease of
navigation. Quite soon, we were dislocated and Mr. Master Navigator was really
put through his paces. More by luck than design, we found ourselves following
the German bank of the Rhine, but where we have been used to gentle asphalt
paths, we now found ourselves presented with a much more diverse challenge.
Before lunch, we had negotiated terrain very alien to this trip. We have been
up…down, up……down, we have pedalled along tarmac, gravel and cobblestones!(yup
back in Germany). We have ridden over bumps, lost our wheels in potholes and
had to climb more hills than we have seen in three weeks. Mmm…………….bit of a
wake-up call. But we have risen to the challenge although I have to admit the
poor old elephant is looking a bit dog-eared. After 70 plus kms, we were a tad
weary, and just at that moment there appeared a hostel, a campsite and a
restaurant. Wow, who could ask for more. We have opted for a room indoors and
as it is now pi……ing down it would seem to have been a good choice; we have
eaten and I have just about run out of every last drop of energy writing up
this blog. So, I bid you all good night and we await the morrow as ever.
Organs for Breakfast
Wed 30.05 2012
Dannemarie – Basle 64.4kms
This morning has to be the highlight of our journey so far.
We descended the stairs for our breakfast to the sound of music! Monsieur was
playing a very up to the minute organ and very well too. For us though, it was
the first time we had ever been serenaded at breakfast. Lots to eat, lots of
coffee and the most genial host you could imagine and all for 37 Euros and that
included the beer. If you ever find yourself in Dannemarie, which of itself is
not without charm, it would be a sin to stay anywhere else.
Having made the decision to stay just inside the French
border before tackling Basle, we finally located the campsite after several
false efforts. Our host, Mr. Must You Really Stay Here had missed the day of
lectures on customer care but the site was clean with all the essential
facilties. We shared our little enclave with a number of other touring veloists
although they were all German speaking and my German vocabulary is a very
stunted affair. A thunder storm threatens as we head for bed!
What a Find
Baumes les Dames – Dannemarie
94.2 kms
We made a good start from our chalet this morning although
we did have to stand by our beds for morning inspection to ensure that we had
left everything as we found it! As if we wouldn’t! I reclaimed my 50 Euro
deposit and we were off. This is just such a beautiful part of the Jura and the
kind of ride that anyone could enjoy. The sun shining helps, but there is so
much to see with the wildlife on the river/canal and the barges and leisure
craft which make use of the facility. For the most part ,the riding has been a
breeze, although we have had to climb two hills! Quite significant ones, if not
very long. Almost worth all the puff for the views. Otherwise the track has
been a gentle climb. However, at some point we must have reached a high point
on the canal, for it suddenly ran downhill through a series of about ten locks just
one after the other.
We /Alan had noted that there was a paucity of accommodation
on this section so we had made a note of one of the few possibilities that
seemed to be available. Having failed to rouse them on the phone, we were not
holding out much hope of this particular auberge being open. After 92
kilometres of joyous riding, we arrived at Dannemarie, a town purported to have
a tourist information centre. Not a chance! Next best thing – accost a local.
The lucky one we chose was just leaving the hairdresser (excellent haircut by
the way). He knew of said auberge but when he checked with the invisible
hairdresser, the consensus was that it was, indeed, closed. Undaunted, our
helpful local explained the location of a chambre d’hote. Tired, and with
nothing else presenting as an alternative we sought the rooms suggested. What
an excellent move! M. Dietmann will remain in our memories for all time and for
all the right reasons. We received an enthusiastic welcome into the kind of
house you will visit only once in a lifetime. It had been built by his
grandfather in the 1800s and really defies description (hopefully the photos will
tell a better story than any description I can detail). We had a room, with
shower and toilet on the floor below. We unloaded our luggage to the
accompaniment of a lot of teeth sucking and a benevolent eye and a non
alcoholic beer.
It was a day somewhere near our wedding anniversary (never
quite sure when it is) so we indulged in a posh nosh Alcacienne style. No
chance after that of blog writing but a great day. Can’t wait for breakfast!
Monday, 28 May 2012
Spot the Two Marys
Sunday 27.05.2012
Dole – Baume les Dames 96kms
We are sharing a magnificent ranch, which overlooks swathes
of verdant countryside punctuated with areas of limestone outcrops. Horses are
galloping freely along the cliff tops. We are lounging in a bedroom with two
double beds and white voile curtains blowing gently in the breeze……………then I
wake up!
Now, last night’s accommodation may not be to everyone’s
taste. It requires a special person to appreciate the crumbling concrete, the
rusting ironwork and the flaking paint not to mention the retro vinyl floor
which would have benefitted from a good scrub. However, the small room we
shared was clean and we both enjoyed a full and undisturbed night’s sleep. Our
evening meal was shared in the company of several families who had seen better
times but were apparently making the best of what was available to them. (Gives
one an appreciation of our good fortune). Our meal was nourishing if basic and
still an improvement on that which was served up the rest of the company. We
found ourselves quite alone for our breakfast at 08.30 and a pretty meagre
offering it was. Bread and jam to munch, but copious quantities of orange juice
(vit C for Al) and excellent coffee. Nothing here provided any sort of
incentive to linger and so by 09.30 we were on the road! Better than our
average. And what a morning! Beautiful weather, stunning countryside, a
slightly mucky and sluggish canal, birds tweeting and the whole world bidding
each other a joyful ‘bonjour’. Must be that morning people are better disposed
towards their fellow man. What say you, dear reader?
At some point during the morning, we met/almost collided
with another cyclist who recognised our Welsh flag. “Oh, my husband was
originally from Wales although we have lived in Canada for forty years.” We
exchanged pleasantries and, I like to think that it was because they were un-
accompanied by Sherman and Herman, that they disappeared into the distance
along the canal path. But no matter, we were to meet them again at a turn in
the canal. A tunnel had been cut through the hillside for the benefit of the
barges, although we had to ride over the top! On this far side it had been
decided to make a feature of the entrance or exit depending on your direction
of travel. A veil of water cascaded over
the aperture, accompanied by lights and mirrors in the tunnel. Rather than try
and describe something so beautiful I shall ask Mr. Technician to include a
photo. Anyway, it was here than that we met again our Canadian friends an
exchanged a more meaningful conversation. We left them with our card and if
they do get around to reading this, we would love to hear how your journey progressed.
As a result of our early start and easy, pleasant riding, we
had reached Besancon by lunch time! So, no stopping there then. A quick
consultation and we made the decision to risk another 40kms in the hope that
the campsite named in our magic book, would live up to expectations. Whoopee
doo, it has. We are ensconced in a delightful wooden chalet with views up the
gorge. I can stand up to cook, we have our own bathroom and even a ‘fridge!
This will be our day off stopover.
Today, we have cycled through some of the most
breath-taking scenery in the Jura. Pedalling along dedicated cycle tracks
alongside either the river or the canal, we have watched the river traffic; we
have passed by well-appointed housing with the river in front and massive
limestone cliffs to the rear. (I could have lived in one of those). And the
sunshine has not failed. We have also made up some of the mileage lost
yesterday. (My elephant lives to fight another day – no bits missing).
Saturday, 26 May 2012
On the Dole
Saturday 26.05.2012
Seurre – Dole (Not very far)
The plan today was to arrive early in Dole and spend a day
to catch up with washing, shopping etc. Hmmm….best laid plans and all that. We
got off to a good start and the route and the weather were glorious. We bowled
along in a very slight head wind wishing the world ‘bonjour’. We even cycled
past a Weldoms which, on further investigation, provided us with much needed
gas cylinders which we had found difficult to source. Wow, what a start. It
continued thus until we arrived in said ville. Our plan was to spend the night
in the Youth Hostel which came highly recommended from someone else’ blog. What
do they say about plans and recommendations. Not repeatable here anyway. We
cycled from rural tranquillity into traffic chaos (Whit weekend!) Dicing with
death, we rapidly wished we were somewhere else. With no idea of the hostel’s location, I rang and tried to make some sense
of the directions I received. To make a bad situation worse, the biggest fair
in the world was parked alongside the canal making the usual unpleasant fair
noises which even Alan can hear. It was also very hot and very busy – need I
say more?! In desperation, I accosted a gentleman who was fortunately, a local,
and he gave very concise and clear directions. I thank him very, very much.
These directions did require a challenging hill climb but finally led us…………….where?
We found the church and the street but had to ask again for the building. Not
what I would have recommended, but here we are. We have a room which is clean
and likely to be very noisy and we have enjoyed a substantial, cheap and
nourishing meal (with vit C). I am thinking posh hotel tomorrow. Watch this
space. Certainly won’t be a day off.
A Reminder
Friday 25.05.2012
Sateney – Seurre 65.2 k
Having battled our way to Seurre, we set about following the
map in order to find a campsite of which there were supposed to be two. Mmmm……usual
story. Either our navigation is crap or the sites have moved. On arriving at a
point on our map which suggested we should be welcomed to a site with
restaurant, swimming pool and all the knobs and whistles, we found…………….a piece
of waste ground, a young man with two very large dogs and a car kicking up
gravel from a racing start at the top of a small slope. So, no campsite. Young
man with two dangerous dogs was not a gangster but a very helpful young man who
directed us to the campsite which he held in high regard. He was nonetheless
somewhat nonplussed that we should enjoy riding bikes especially such a long
way; he preferred his car. Thanking him profusely we retraced some distance,
crossed the bridge as instructed and behold a campsite. Not quite the luxury we
had come to expect, in fact no luxury at all. And no toilet paper. Still we
could get the tent up, have a shower and cook another one pot meal. Alan
worrying about scurvy as fruit is so difficult to carry without it getting
squashed! Nice German couple camping alongside who were on their way to the Med
pedalling bikes with battery driven motors. They reckoned they were good on the
hills, but with 27 kilos of extra weight…… Apart from the road and the
continual bird scarers every 30 seconds, it was fine. I am getting so I can
sleep through anything and Al can’t hear it anyway. Off to Dole tomorrow for a
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