Thursday, 30 June 2011

Magnificent Midnight

Filipstad – Kristinehamn   55.4 kms        172’ ascent.
Today was to be a short day in terms of actual riding. The aim was to arrive at our next site early so that we could complete all the domestic and internet tasks that we had been unable to do at Mr. Happy’s site. Just for once all went to plan and we even found time to partake of a coffee in the campsite café! Our cabin is looking out over Lake Vanern which is HUGE. We enjoyed a superb sunset while supping sadly, not a glass of wine, but a cup of coffee! It may have been this latter which contributed to my difficulty in sleeping. But , as with most things, there was a positive outcome. At midnight I strolled onto the verandah and witnessed the sun just below the horizon; a new experience for me. I trust Alan will post one of the photos on the blog so that you can share in the magnificence of it.  
In addition to sunsets, I have to say that Sweden has delivered the most magnificent display of roadside flora. I would challenge any of the famous gardeners to produce such an array of colour, shape and texture. Mind you, they would know all the names of the plants, and I can name but a few.  They have provided a great deal of pleasure and a distraction from sore bits and bobs. A further distraction (not a falling off one) has been the sight of some very large birds. From a distance they looked like Rheas but much smaller. I know they are not. But we don’t know what they are. No doubt, a very famous tourist attraction about which we are totally ignorant. They are very fine, whatever they are.

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